Saturday 2 July 2011

The June Review

I thought I'd review the borders at the end of each month to see how they change over the year - a good reference for me as to what needs changing/adding/moving next year.  I think you would need to click on to the picture to enlarge it for the full effect.  This is my sunniest border with Lavenders at the front Erysiums and Salvias in the centre and Delphiniums at the back plus Verbena Bonariensis threading through.  The biggest eyesore that doesn't fit in with the overall scheme of things now is the Anthemis which has grown too tall and is definitely now in the wrong place.

This border is in the centre of the garden on the shady side, but it does get late afternoon sun.  It is relatively new and most of the plants in it were only planted this year, after we removed a leylandii hedge that was used as a wind break, as the garden backs on to open fields.  Removing the hedge has opened out the vista of the garden and released more ground for something a bit more pleasant to look at.  Various shrubs  fill the back of this area with a plum and apple tree included plus Apple Mint which has a soft grey, downy leaf which has been left to roam through the planting.

This is the Dahlia bed which is in full swing at the moment underplanted with Nasturtiums which are just coming into flower.

This is one of the raised veg. beds which has been taken over by Californian Poppies, in the space that is left there are Chives, Pinks, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Spring Onions and Climbing French Beans, which are growing up a metal arch.

The Brassica bed is doing well Cabbages are hearting up the Cauliflowers now have small heads, and free of caterpillars, so far, plus no slug damage.  Miracle of miracles. 

The onions in the final bed have all gone to seed, lack of water I think - but, the onions at the allotment look splendid, growing by the day.  The red onions give a real shot of colour along the row, I have not been too successful with red ones before, but this year it looks as though I may have cracked it.


  1. What a good idea about a 'monthly review'. Everything looks wonderful in your garden.

    Kate and William are making quite the hit in Ottawa, by the way! She wore a beautiful hat with maple leaves on it for Canada Day yesterday.

  2. Everything looks great, but like you I sometimes find something that got bigger than I thought. Of course I'm not losing the blooms, just make notes to move it the following Spring. Have a nice holiday.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. A monthly review is a good idea but I always forget to do one! As has been said it's all looking really good, apart from the onions that is! Flighty xx
